Generating an Altium Test Point Report
FixturFab’s preferred format for an Altium Test Point Report file.
Altium has many settings to control generating a test point report file. You can find additional details on their blog, but below is our preferred method and report format.
All test points and pads that will be used as test points need to have the assembly test point setting selected. To set this setting within your Altium PCB design, first, select a test point and view the Properties panel.
Scroll to the bottom of the Properties panel to the Test point section. Select Top and/or Bottom depending on if the test point is on the top layer, the bottom layer, or is a through-hole (available on both top and bottom layers).
Right-click on a test point and select “Find Similar Objects.” Set the Hole Size parameter to Same (if through-hole test point).
Set the X Size and Y Size parameters to Same.
Make sure that open properties are selected at the bottom of the window and click OK.
Set the Assembly test point settings in the Testpoint section of the Properties panel
To export a Test point Report:
The generated test point report will then be saved within the Project Outputs directory within the PCB Projects parent folder. The CSV file will contain "Net", "Name", "X Coord", "Y Coord", "Side", "Hole Size", "Type" columns which we use to automatically generate the CAD probe plate model in our fixtures.
A detailed process of connecting an Ingun Fixture Switch to a computer via USB.
Top and side probing design considerations and implementation details.