All we do is test hardware, have FixturFab build the best test solution for your device. We offer two types of systems for two different use cases.
To plan hardware test systems FixturFab writes two key documents. A Test Matrix which maps available nets from the test points to the test instrumentation channels and each test case in the PCBA Functional Test Suite. Completing this is vital to avoid missing anything critical in the final manufactured system and System block diagram with a cabling plan.
FixturFab requires a "Blueprint Phase" before starting most system projects. This is to do the preliminary engineering work to address requirement loose ends and provide you with a more detailed quotation, plan, and final requirements.
If a customer chooses not to proceed with the final system build through FixturFab, the Blueprint Report remains a valuable resource that any other fixture manufacturer can utilize to support implementation elsewhere.
Use Case
Customer Pros
Customer Cons
Plan instrumentation for your solution.
Eliminate Surprises
Need to implement the plan.
Develop your own test software.
Required software development and expertise.
White-glove test solution for your product.
Hands-off Approach
Longest lead time and highest cost.
FixturFab has developed a standard, comprehensive process for designing Test Systems, summarized to the left.
Part 2 of the FixturFab Test System Development Process series
System Type
Starting Price
Starting Lead Time
2 weeks
10 weeks
16 weeks
Estimated starting prices and lead times for systems are heavily dependent on your test requirements.
Our testers come in two categories: 'mechanical-only' fixtures provide just the bed of nails hardware, while integrated test systems include both hardware and instrumentation customized to your test requirements.
Learn More about Test Fixture TypesMechanical-only
Things to Consider...
Unique DUTs?
Requires Blueprint?
Cost to Design?
Cost to Replicate?
Ease of Deployment?
Ease of Re-use?
Design Time?
Multi-cartridge topologies are efficient if product run-rates are medium to low, costly to duplicate when run-rates increase.
Complex designs integrating test instrumentation and software require a FixturFab Blueprint phase to define a Test System.
Mechanical-only fixtures require minimal design knowledge transfer to fixture design team, saving time & money.
Instrumentation costs in a multi-cartridge approach can make it expensive to replicate.
The multi-cartridge approach is difficult to bring up and qualify across the full scope of DUT variants.
All-in-one fixture customization makes the reuse of system components unlikely. Mechanical-only fixtures are easy to reuse.
Explaining testing schemas is difficult, the more the design team owns the process the faster it happens.